Thursday, January 3, 2019

RG 1/144 00 Gundam Seven Sword


First of all, I would like to greet my readers a happy new year! I wish for great blessings this 2019 and I hope to make more reviews for this blog

This time, we are going to look at a PBandai RG 1/144 00 Gundam Seven Sword

The 00 Seven Sword is my favorite variant of Gundam 00. It's even the reason why I watched the 00 series. The unique design, the armory and appearance of this model really hits my interest. Lets take a look.



The mobile suit itself together with its backpack has a very good articulation and has pretty good details.

Elbows and knees can bend in three points,

The feet can bend in three point as well and can move side to side pretty well.

There is an articulation for the wrist. waist can move side to side and also it has a good ab crunch.

The beam sabers can move on the sides, and the back skirts can move in circular motion.

Also, there is a flaps that can move behind the knees.

The GN condenser can move front, back, side and upwards (using the locking mechanism).


So here is the Gundam seven swords with everything that it comes with

Yup! it has seven swords!

GN Buster Sword II

This sword is massive! It is to big for the kit to hold it around. Doing this pose give me a hard time due to its heaviness.

Fortunately, Bandai included a small adopter stand to hold this monstrosity

and if not in use you can compress it and use it as a shield, connect it in the arms using an adopter piece

and if not in use, you can attache it on one of the GN condenser.

GN Sword II Long and GN Sword II Short

These two swords are almost alike. Obviously, the other one is shorter.

It also can transform to riffle mode.

GN Sword II short's tip however can be detached and put a wire between them.

If not in use, you can attach both on the side skirts

GN Katars

Simple katars with green effect parts in it. These can be hold using the holding hands, or you can attache these in the arms, using the same connection piece used in the GN Buster sword.

If not in use you can attach these in the side of the knees.

Beam Sabers

A simple beam sabers. You have two sabers to make it seven swords.

With every swords attached in the kit, it looks amazing and ready for war.


I do have minor complaints though. First are the decals, they are not really on point, I mean some of the decals are to big when sticked on the mobile suit. Also, some of the decals can be removed due time like the one on the condensers

Also, the GN Sword II short, I have to glue the part since the connection is not that great. I even broke the peg for attaching it too hard.

And I hope there is a water slide decals available for this particular kit, all I can see is a waterslide decal for the Gundam 00 raiser.

Aside from those, this is a wonderful kit! The design, articulation and the weaponry is superb! You can just neglect the decals and you can still have a great kit!

Build: 10/10
Design: 9/10
Articulation: 10/10
Playability: 7/10

Yes! this kit is not playable, well due to heavy weaponry!

Well, that is all and I hope for you to watch out for my next review.


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