Sunday, April 26, 2015

RG 1/144 Exia

Hello again once more. So this is the last kit on my backlogs... Today were going to take a look on the 1/144 RG Exia Gundam from the Gundam 00 series...piloted by a gundam maniac Setsuna...

Exia is one of the popular gundam as of date... and Bandai did a great job putting the Exia in the RG line... so without further ado... unto the review...


Nine plates in total with. a decal sheet, soft plastic (with holographic effects) and a manual... for colors... you'll get two shades of white, two shades of gray, two shades of blue, red. clear green and a chrome for GN weapons.

Before the part review, I would just like to tell that this is not your average kit... especially building the head... damn! its hard placing those holographic part and the small yellow piece for the cheeks! it almos took me 30mins just placing those holographic plastic... and not mentioning I almost lost the yellow piece on the process.... so take your time building this kit...and be very extra careful.

and I messed up on the right shoulder... I mistook the peg for the holographic plastic in the arm as a part of the twig... so read (well analyze) the instruction carefully... I have to put some super glue on it... and it really pissed me off (I feel so stupid)

With that said... Im going to review this kit as a whole...since I messed up on that arm... and I dont want to disconnect the parts... but dont mistook me, this is a solid kit... I just dont want to remove the parts...

every clear parts on this kit has a foil sticker in it... with texts...with the correct lighting you could see the text inside the clear plastic.

oh, you might as well do some sanding on those bunny ears... as you can see at the picture above... those are some nasty nub marks..



Unlike other RG's your going to build the feet and the legs as a whole... though you can still remove the feet from the legs...

The legs is double jointed has great articulation...

on the way the skirt and the legs are designed, moving the legs forward and back is limited though

Back ward

and forward

 The foot is connected in a ball joint and has a swivel on the ankle... it has two point of articulation...the toe and the heels so it can bend down...

For split test... this is much you could do...

for full split... well it great... but since splitting is to mainstream.. lets have a high kick test.

yeah... it could kick high...


the skirts is not detachable on the body... and your also going to build this as a whole... front and back skirts can move independently... the body can rotate... it could do a ab crunch a little but the waist can do side to side... It also has an opening the other RG's


Double jointed elbow... and since it has holographic plastic connected to the shoulder armor... it tends to hinder it moving the arms upward.

the shoulder could also move forward... to the point that it could reach the beam saber attached to the other shoulder...


it moves forward and back and rotate when the yellow fin on the shoulder is bent down..

and upward a little.

so all in all very good articulation and it has sense of balance.. you could do some pretty unique poses if you want to... as shown on the pictures above...


For accessories, you'll get variation of hands, closed fist hand, open palm hand, holding hand and the RG hand... but using the holding hand is enough to handle all its weapons.

and a connector for the action base.

You'll also get some extra parts since there are two E plates...
one for part of GN Drive and one extra V-fin...
..and it also has a small blue Setsuna figure, which I forgot to take picture..

For weapons, Exia is know for its sword wielding... so almost all of them are swords, and beam sabers...
you'll get total of six beam sabers (two of them has a peg), a shield, and of course the GN blades and the GN sword (which can transform into the GN gun)

The beam sabers has four beam effect parts... two long beams and two short beams

The short beam sabers...
<Exia shouting: "You dont belong here!!">

The long beam sabers.

The GN shield

GN blades, the short and the long one..

Which is if not in use, it could be stored on the hips... (which is very tricky to do)

and of course the GN Sword/Gun


Bandai really did a great job on this kit. This kit is amazing... Details of this kit met its most potential... even without the decals... Articulation is great... It almost can do everything! I have no complains on this kit... just me being stupid on the arms... Building this kit is really fan and at the same time... its hard... not your average RG kit. If your a first timer in building RG kits... you might as well practice first building other RG before going to this kit (or its just me over exaggerating). Just be careful on the small parts...specially the yellow part on the cheek and holographic effect on the head...
If you love Exia in a 1/144 scale... this is a kit you must get...

Well that all for me... loo on to my other reviews and please look forward on my next review ... see ya!


  1. great kit, i have build strike freedom rg for the practice (no mistakes)

  2. great kit, i have build strike freedom rg for the practice (no mistakes)

  3. Hi there!

    Yes! I'm planning on building RG strike freedom soon


HG 1/144 RX 78-2 Gundam the Origins

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