Friday, April 10, 2015

SD RX-78-2 30th Anniversary Edition

Hello guys! Im back with a very short review... This time were going to take a look on the SD RX 78-2 30th Anniversary Edition.

Now first of all, Im not going to review this kit part by part (which I usually does) Im going to review the kits as a whole...just because its too small for me, and there's nothing for me to say for every part... so with no more further ado... lets look at this cute grand daddy!

For runners, well, you will have a total of 3 runners, and a set of polycaps, a sticker sheet and a sheet of decals...

Straight building this kit will only give around 30mins. but bringing out the details of this kit has a lot of effort...
For the head, well I just added some details on the vents on the head (if thats what its called) and also the black part on the eyes, they do give you stickers for that (since the whole eyes is molded in yellow) but, I rather paint it black than adding those stickers

The hands on this kit, its originally all white and its supposed to be gray, so painted it... but instead of painting it gray, i decided to paint it in flat black...just for one reason, I dont have a gray paint left :P

well aside from that...the back pack came with gray-blue color, so I also painted it flat black.. and also the black part in the feet...I also painted it black.


Now for the articulations. the head can rotate, the shoulders can move forward and rotate, theres a bicep swivel, and the arms can rotate..pretty the same articulation on most of the SD kits..

The body can rotate, and the legs is connected on a ball joint onto the skirts... The legs and the heels is in one mold so you have to put stickers on the heels, which I didnt and instead, I used a red marker to paint those..
the actual feet is connected on a polycap so it can bend forward.. (oh! anyway, those black on the feet is painted..pretty crappy painting for me :P )

For accessories, theres just three, a beam saber, beam riffle and a shield.

The beam saber is molded in white, so you probably want to paint it... I used a red marker for the beams.

the beam riffle has a pretty good details on it, the scope can move forward...the yellow part on scope is a sticker.

Onto the shield, well the shield disappoint me the most.. its all molded in gray (same collor as the beam riffle)...but they will provide a two sheet of sticker for that... one is the red which covers almost all of the shield and another sheet for the yellow cross..

I tried to paint the shield though.. but it turns out to be I just went using the stickers...(in the future, I may paint those shield)

overall, this is a great kit for a SD... few stickers is used for the MS...and some minor details needs painting... My biggest complain is that why do the shield needs to be in gray... seriously, they already have the red, white and yellow runners...they should have molded it in there..but then again...what can you expect on a SD kit

aside from the shield, the whole kit is not that dependent on the stickers (the V on the skirt is also a sticker), you could also use some decals to bring up more details on the kit... I have to say, this is a very good kit for its line...

well thats all for me..and kindly look forward on my next review... thanks :)

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